Київський національний університет

імені Тараса Шевченка

Кафедра аналітичної хімії

Kiev National University is involved to International research project that carried out in the frame of Science for Peace scheme, supported by NATO.

The project title: "Superacid solids"
Project ID: SfP 97-1896
Project National director Prof. Vladimir Zaitsev
(completed information can be found here)

In September 2001 we had party form NATO science committee, including the program director, Dr. Chris De Wispelaere.

From left to right:
Dr. V.Budarin, Dr. V.Diuk, Dr. Wispelaere, Miss Reva, Dr. V. Zub, Mrs. L. Kostenko, NaTo representative, Dr. T. Iskenderov (Uzbekistan)

Dr. V. Zub explain main application of the FTIR for research made in the project

Visit of synthetic lab at chemistry department

PhD students demonstrate FTIR machine bought from SfP grant
Dr. Wispelaere and part of the research group from Kiev University that involved in NATO science research project.

last updated 19.11.2014