Doctor of sciences, Associate Professor (docent)
Doctor of sciences, Associate Professor (docent), Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Works at KNU since: 
National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Department of Analytical Chemistry, 64 Volodymyrska St, Kyiv, Ukraine 01601
Скачати у вигляді файлу: 

Work Experience:  From/To Position/Institution

2020 Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine

1997-2019 Assoc. Prof (docent)/ Dept. of Chemistry Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv

2015 (June) and                      Guest Professor/ CNRS,  LCPME, University of Lorraine,

2011 (February)                      Nancy, France

2006 (June-August)                     

2003 (July - August) Visiting Professor/ Dept. of Chemistry Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA

2000 (May-July) Visiting Scientist/ Dept. of Chemistry,  Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA

1999-2000 Visiting  Fellow, Graduate School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

1992- 1997 Assistant Prof. of Chemistry / Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv

1989 (Sept- Oct)                    Engineer, Division of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Colloidal    

Chemistry and Water Chemistry,  National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Professional Societies: American Chem. Soc. (Division: Analytical, Environmental) 2000 year, Ukrainian Chemical Society; Council on the problems of Analytical Chemistry, Division of Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine



FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES №247603. Sol-Gel Materials Synthesis And Characterization For Optical Sensing, 2010 -2013 

JOINT UKRAINE- GERMANY R&D PROJECTS  FOR THE PERIOD OF 2019 – 2020 Utilising Electrochemical Biosensors  And Fluorescent Probes For Analysis And Improvement  Of 3D Bioprinted Tissue Constructs

Тема кандидатської дисертації: 

Сoncentration and determination of the traces of aluminum and cobalt in drinking and natural water using high molecular weight quaternary ammonium salts

Scientific interests: 

Determination of traces of inorganic and organic pollutants in the environmental objects (water, soil, biological samples) using spectroscopic, electrochemical and biochemical methods.  Bioanalytical chemistry: Electroanalytical chemistry Sensitive elements of Chemical and biochemical sensors on base of biocomposite silica film with nanostructured material and biomolecules.

Інші інтереси: 
Sport, travelling, reading, painting, theater, music, yoga.
Навчальна діяльність: 

Lecture courses:

for Bachelor students- Basics of Analytical Chemistry (starting in 2019), Environmental Chemistry (1995 -2017); Introduction to the Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry (2003 – present time);

for Master students – Chemistry of  Life (basic course); Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2000- present time); Micro Analytical Systems and Devices; Methods of Distance Control 

for PhD students Markers and Sensors in Chemistry

Labs: Analytical Chemistry; Bioanalytical Chemistry



At Taras Shevchenko University, since 1992: total Ph. D students advised: 5;

total M. S. students advised: 55;

2009 – 2013   international joint PhD: I. Mazurenko   Blo-encapsulation d'oxydases et de   dehydrogenases par     electrogenerated on sol-gel sur reseau de nano-objets

joint Ph.D. between  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine  and University of Lorraine Nancy, France. Supervisors: Alain Walcarius, director of Labobratory of Physical Chemistry and Microbiology for the Environment (University of Lorraine, France) Oksana Yu. Tananaiko, Associate Professor (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine) Mathieu Etienne, research scientist of Labobratory of Physical Chemistry and Microbiology for the Environment (University of Lorraine, France)

Стипендії та відзнаки: 
  • Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 2020
  • Fellowship Academic Staff Mobility Programme, Mevlana Exchange Programme, Adana University, Turkey April 2015,
  • Guest professor fellowship, CNRS, LCPME, Université Henri Poincaré-Nancy, France, summer 2015, 2011 and 2006
  • Fellowship for conducting research, Bioanalytical lab., Department of Chemistry University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA, summer 2003
  • Scholarship of the Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP), American Councils for International Education ACTR/ ACCELS ,
  • Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Science, 1999 -2000
  • Junior scientist’s stipend in the field of natural sciences, National Committee of the Scientific and Technical Development of Ukraine, 1997


Selected publications: 

Kovalyk A., Tananaiko O., Borets A. , Etienne M. , Walcarius A. Voltammetric and microscopic characteristics of MnO2 and silica-MnO2hybrid films electrodeposited on the surface of planar electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 2019, 306 P. 680 – 687 doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2019.03.156

Тананайко О.Ю. Оптичні та амперометричні сенсори на основі плівкових покриттів оксиду силіцію. Укр. хим. журн., 2017, Т.83, № 5,- С. 3 – 25.

Гусейнов А.В., Корытко Д.М., Алексеев С.А., Тананайко О.Ю. Планарные электроды, модифицированные золотом и углеродными материалами, как чувствительные элеме-нты амперометрических сенсоров на H2O2. Методы и объекты хим. анализа. 2016. Т. 11, № 2. . С. 82–93.

Mazurenko,O. Tananaiko, O. Biloivan,M. Zhybak,I. Pelyak,V. Zaitsev,M. Etienne,A.Walcarius, Amperometric biosensor for choline based on gold screen-printed electrode modified with electrochemically-deposited silica biocomposite, Electroanalysis, 2015, 27, 1685 – 1692

А. Motorina, O.Tananaiko, I. Kozytska, V. Raks, R. Badía, M.E. DíazGarcía and V.N. Zaitsev Hybrid silica-polyelectrolyte films as optical sensing materials for tetracycline antibiotics Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, v 200, P. 198-205

T. Rozhanchuk,  М. Velychko, M. Titov,  O. Tananaiko, Voltammetric Determination of Purine Bases Using a Carbon Electrode Modified With Hybrid Silica Film, Electroanalysis, 2013 V 25, N 9, P. 2045–2053.

I. Mazurenko, M. Etienne, O. Tananaiko, V. Urbanova, V. Zaitsev, A. Walcarius, Electrophoretic deposition of macroporous carbon nanotube assemblies for electrochemical applications, Сarbon, 2013, V.53 №3, p.302 –312.

T.S. Rozhanchuk, O.Y. Tananaiko, E.A. Mazurenko, O.A. Egorov. A carbositall electrode modified with a SiO2 – hemoglobin-gol film as a promising biosensing element. Journal of Analytical Chem., 2012, 67 (2), 156-162 (Rus)

Motorina A.S., Tananaiko O.Yu., Mazier M-R., Telbiz G.M., Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Hybrid Films Based on Mesostructures Silica Modified with Cyanine Dye, Journal of Applid Chemistry, 2010, 83, (5), 745-750 (Rus).

Rozhanchuk T., Tananaiko O, Mazurenko I., Etienne М Walcarius A. Zaitsev V. Electroanalytical Properties of Haemoglobin in Silica-Nanocomposite Films Electrogenerated on Pyrolitic Graphite Electrode, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2009, v 625, P. 33-39.

Тананайко О.Ю. Хімічні сенсори. Навчальний посібник до курсу «Мікроаналітичні системи і сенсори», -К.: Друк. Прінт Квік. 2015.- 96 с

Наджафова (Тананайко) О.Ю. Методичні вказівки до лабораторних робіт для студентів- магістрів хімічного факультету кафедри аналітичної хімії з дисципліни “Біоаналітика” ВПЦ Київський університет, 2007 р. 58 c.