
120 років з дня народження Жаровського Фроїма Гершковича (1905-1970)

15 січня виповнилося 120 років з дня народження видатного українського хіміка-аналітика, доктора хімічних наук, професора кафедри аналітичної хімії Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка Жаровського Фроїма Гершковича (1905-1970).
Виставка, присвячена проф. Жаровському Ф.Г., знаходиться у читальному залі бібліотеки хімічного факультету.

З глибоким сумом сповіщаємо, що 11 січня 2025 року на 89-ому році пішов із життя Василь Васильович Сухан, доктор хімічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри аналітичної хімії Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (1986–2000 рр.), декан хімічного факультету (1986–1997 рр.), лауреат премії ім. Л. В. Писаржевського НАН України та премії імені Тараса Шевченка КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, заслужений працівник освіти України. Прощання відбудеться 14 січня 2025 року у траурній залі крематорію на Байковому кладовищ о 14.00 за адресою вул. Байкова 16. Колектив хімічного факультету і кафедри аналітичної хімії висловлює глибокі співчуття рідним і близьким покійного.

The 8th International Conference on Analytical Chemistry "Kyiv Conference on Analytical Chemistry: Modern Trends-2024" took place

On October 16–18, 2024, an international conference on analytical chemistry "Kyiv Conference on Analytical Chemistry: Modern Trends-2024" was held on the basis of the Faculty of Chemistry of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University in online format. This is already the eighth conference from this cycle, which began in 2014 at the initiative of the Faculty of Chemistry of KNU, in particular, the head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Prof. Olga Antonivna Zaporozhets, and with the support of the university management, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the community of analytical chemists of Ukraine.

Defense of bachelor's qualification theses, June 18-19, 2024

On June 18 and 19, defenses of bachelor's theses were held at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry of Taras Shevchenko KNU. The topics of the works are wide and varied, covering instrumental methods of analysis, creation of new materials for the needs of analytical chemistry, study of chemical-analytical properties of new substances, quality control of pharmaceutical preparations and food products. Motivated answers to the questions posed, of which there were many, because the works interested those present. The high level of final qualification papers and theoretical training of graduate students was noted by the members of the DEC and its head, Ph.D. O.V. Zuy. Congratulations to all newly graduated bachelors on completing an important stage of their studies!

25th International Conference of Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Modern Problems of Chemistry"

From May 15 to 17, 2024, the twenty-fifth International Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Modern Problems of Chemistry" was held at the Faculty of Chemistry.
The Analytical Chemistry Section collected more than 50 reports presented by students and post-graduate students of the Faculty of Chemistry and other educational institutions of Ukraine. Part of the research work was carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Edinburgh as part of an international partnership between the two universities and the University of Brussels. Participants shared their research and achievements in the field of analytical chemistry, impressing the audience with their depth of knowledge and innovative approaches. They were glad to welcome participants from Lviv, Uzhgorod, Odesa, Cherkasy and indomitable Kharkiv. Masters of the Faculty of Biology of KNU and Faculty of Pharmacy of the National Medical University named after O.O. participated in the session of the section and presented meaningful reports. Bogomolets, young scientists from the Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

110 years since the birth of Anatoly Terentiyovych Pylypenko

May 3, 2024 marked the 110th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding analytical chemist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Anatoly Terentiyovych Pylypenko.A.T.Pylypenko is the author of about 1,000 scientific works, including 19 textbooks, monographs and handbooks on analytical chemistry. Prepared 5 doctors and 69 candidates of sciences. More information about Acad. A.T.Pylypenko is here.

Acquaintance with the possibilities of internship and work at the pharmaceutical company "Darnytsia"

How to support Ukraine in a difficult hour? Students - conscientious study and hard work. Use the acquired knowledge and skills at modern enterprises, promote the development of technologies, so that the economic power of the state grows. The Faculty of Chemistry not only produces highly qualified specialists, but also actively promotes their employment. In particular, through trainings, excursions and meetings with the best employers in the country.
Recently, the future bachelors of the Department of Analytical Chemistry got acquainted with the possibilities of internship and work at the pharmaceutical company "Darnytsia". Experienced specialists of the Analytical Laboratory of the Pharmaceutical Development Department conducted a tour of the company's laboratories, talked about the importance of each stage of testing in the process of development and quality control. A friendly team, compliance with international standards, modern technologies and equipment, comfortable working conditions - this is the company's response to the requests of young people who choose the future for themselves.

Excursion to the pharmaceutical company "Farmak"

Students of the 4th year of the Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, KNU named after Taras Shevchenko was visited by the pharmaceutical company "Farmak", which is the leader of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and one of the largest exporters of medicinal products. Students got a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge about the production of medical preparations and get acquainted with the advanced technologies used in this field.
During the tour, students had the opportunity to: see production lines in action; learn about high quality standards; familiarize yourself with the company's research activities and the requirements for future candidates for vacant positions in these laboratories.
The pharmaceutical industry is constantly developing and needs talented researchers and scientists who know how to apply their knowledge and skills to the creation of future medicines and their analysis.
After the excursion, the students definitely gained new knowledge and impressions that may influence their future career choices.