The idea of organising a joined Symposium
of Analytical Chemistry, later named ARGUS ( Analytical
German Ukrainian Symposium ) was created in
1990 by the two Chemists Professor Josif G. Yudelevich and Dr.
Dahmen. Professor Josif G. Yudelevich is head of the Laboratory
of Analytical Chemistry at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
of the Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences in
Novosibirsk-Akademgorodok. Dr. Joachim Dahmen, head of
elemental analytical labs of the Central Analytical Laboratories
(AZL) of MERCK company Darmstadt in Germany. Both met each other
the first time at the XXVI CSI - Colloquium Spectroscopicum
Internationale in Sofia (Bulgaria) where they participated as
invited speakers and immediately felt as friends.
Two years later in 1992, ARGUS was
organized the first time by Prof. Yudelevich and his co-workers
at the Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk-Akademgorodok. The
main goal of ARGUS is to provide a platform for Russian, German
and (later) Ukrainian scientists dealing with analytical
Chemistry. This platform should give possibilities to meet
colleagues from Western Europe - mainly from Germany – and to
find partners and opportunities for scientific and commercial
cooperation, which was possible since the cold war ended and a
new political and economic situation of the states of the former
Soviet Union had started. Furthermore it is the aim of the
symposium to learn from each other about scientific activities
and mutual skills, to discuss and to solve analytical problems
and establish new relationships and fruitful scientific
cooperations. ARGUS does not focus on one particular topic
within the whole field of Analytical Chemistry, but should
inspire the participants and activate scientific creativity by
during presentations and discussions. The first Siberian
symposium was very successful with this respect, so that the
organizers together with several of the first participants
decided to continue the meeting alternately in Germany, Russia
and Ukraine.
The next ARGUS took place 1993 in
Hirschegg (Germany), organized by Dr. Peter Hoffmann and
Professor Hugo Ortner from Darmstadt Technical University,
School of Material and Geosciences, Dept. of Analytical
Chemistry. It was followed 1994 by the symposium in
Sumy-Klementovo (Ukraine), organized by Professor V. E.
Storizhko, Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine. The next meeting took place 1996 in Sofrino, Moscow
District (Russia) and was organized by Prof. Svetlana
Grazhulene, head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry at
the Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity
Materials of RAS in Chernogolovka. In 1997 Dr. H. M. Kuss,
Department of Chemistry at Duisburg University (Germany)
organized the meeting in Duesseldorf.Odessa (Ukraine) was
place of the ARGUS in 1999 and was organized by Prof. Valery
P.Antonovich and Dr. Alexander N. Zacharia from the A. V.
Bogatsky Physico Chemical Institute of the National
Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine. The last - but - not –
least Symposium ARGUS 2001was hosted by Russia again, in the
most wonderful area of Sibira at the famous Lake Baikal in
Baikalsk. Dr. E. Grosheva, director of the Albert Beim Institute
of Ecological Toxicology of Russian Federation, Irkutsk region,
organized this meeting.
The next ARGUS will be held 2003 in
Geesthacht (Germany), which is close to Hamburg. It will be
organized by Prof. B. Neidhart, head of the Institute for
Physical and Chemical Analyses of GKSS Costal Research Center.
The idea of the ARGUS symposium is
forwarded mostly by the enthusiasm and idealism of the
organizers and its participants and their own budget and partly
by sponsoring of public authorities and private companies.