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Conference program
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Kiev city
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Functionalized Materials
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Conference program
Organizing committee
Kiev city
Collection of photos Conference program
Organizing committee
Kiev city
Collection of photos

Kiev Taras Shevchenko University

Analytical chemistry department

 Functionalized Materials
Home 1994 Summer School Functionalized Materials A.T. Pilipenko - 90 Ïÿòíèöêèé ².Â. 2005

Conference program
Organizing committee
Kiev city
Collection of photos

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Conference program
Organizing committee
Kiev city
Collection of photos

Kiev Taras Shevchenko University

Analytical chemistry department

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Conference program
Organizing committee
Kiev city
Collection of photos

International conference

Functionalized materials: synthesis, properties and application

24 - 29 September 2002

Kiev Ukraine


The conference was attended by more then 200 participants.

There were from Ukraine (120), Russia (40), other CIS countries (10), Western Europe (Austria, Great Britain, Germany, France, Sweden), Poland, USA, Brazil, Thailand, India, Iran (38 participants in total)


The conference program and list of participants
Organizing committee
The conference materials (in pdf files)
Photographic report
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