Київський національний університет

імені Тараса Шевченка

Кафедра аналітичної хімії


Linnik R.P. Hyphenated spectroscopic methods for the determination of vanadium, iron, cobalt and copper speciation in natural water. – Manuscript.

The thesis for a Candidate’s degree in chemical science by speciality 02.00.02 – analytical chemistry. – Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, 2004.

The dissertation is devoted to development and realization of scientific-methodological approaches of investigation of some 3d-metals speciation in natural waters with uses hyphenated spectroscopic methods. The mathematical modeling of Fe(III), Co(II) and Cu(II) distribution among the coexistіng forms in natural waters is carried out. The content and ratio of the V (IV, V), Fe (III), Co (II), Cu (II) dissolved species by use ion-exchange and gel-permeation chromatography in a combination to membranous filtration, photochemical oxidation of organic metal complexes and chemiluminescent analysis are determined. The role of various groups of organic matters in the complexation of metals investigated is established. In view of obtained regularities of distribution of metals among the coexisting forms the technique of sorption-spectroscopic determination of free copper ions in natural waters is developed.

last updated 19.11.2014