ZAITSEV, VLADIMIR NIKOLAEVICH, chemistry educator; b. Kiev, Ukraine, Soviet Union, Oct. 11. 1958; s. Nikolai Fedorovich Zaitsev and Tatiana Markovna Kanivets; m. Galina Nikolaevna Chorna, Dec. 16, 1978; children: Elena, Olga. MSc, Kiev State U.. 1981, PhD, 1984; docent, Kiev U., 1992. Lab. asst. Kiev State U , 1975-76, rsch. asst., 1984-86. asst. prof., 1986-91, assoc. prof., 1991-94, prof., 1994—; vis. scientist Southampton U., U.K., 1990-91; vis. prof. Tex. A&M U., College Station, 1995; inventor in field. Contbr. articles to profl. jours. Brit. Coun. scholar, London, 1990-91, J.W. Fulbright scholar Coun. Internal. Exch. Scholars, Washington, 1995; recipient Brit. Coun. award, 1994. Mem. European Rare Earth & Actinid Soc., Am. Chem. Soc. Mendeleev's Soc. Home: 25 Vasilenko St 139 Apt, Kiev 252124, Ukraine Office: Taras Shevchenko Kiev U. 60 Vladimirskaya Str, Kiev 252033, Ukraine