Taras Shevchenko National University

Kyiv, Ukraine
Department of Analytical Chemistry

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Department of Analytical Chemistry, Kiev National University

Data of Birth: 01/27/58 Place of Birth: Berdichev, Ukraine

Nationality: Ukrainian Citizenship: Ukraine

Present Appointment: Institute of Sorption and Endoecology Problems

Address for Correspondence:

13 Generala Naumova Str., Institute of Sorption and Endoecology Problems, Kyiv 252680 Ukraine

Tel. 380-44-2213214, Fax: 380-44-483-54-05 E-mail: g_zaitseva@hotmail.com

Ph.D. (1998)

- Properties and chemical-analytical application of silica’s with immobilized O-, N-, S-, P-containing organic reagents.
(Advisors: Acad., Prof. V.V.Strelko and Prof. O.P.Ryabushko)

T. Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine, Analytical chemistry

MSc (1981)

- Silica with bonded some analytical ligands for preconcentration of toxic metals (Advisor: Prof. O.P.Ryabushko)

Kiev State University, Kyiv Ukraine


- Kiev State University, Chemistry department, Analytical chemistry, Ph.D. student


- Kiev State University, Chemistry department, Analytical chemistry, Full time student.


Institute of Sorption and Endoecology Problems, researcher


Kyiv Institute of Architecture, part-lecture assistant


Kiev State University, part-time research assistant


Kiev State University, Chemistry department, engineer

Analytical chemistry, sorption problems, high selective inorganic adsorbents preparation for concentration and resolution of toxic metal ions from water solutions.

Endoecology, chemical aspects of endoecology, adsorbents application for detoxication of body.

International Projects

1995- Long term grant from International Science Foundation (USA)

1995- INTAS (International Program with European Union)


* IWISE Summer Leadership Certificalt Program, Iowa State University, Summer, 1998

* A NATO Sponsored Advanced Research Workshop, France, 1996

Language Capabilities

* Ukrainian and Russian-excellent

* English- reading, translation, writing -good.


* IWISE Fellow, 1998

* Southampton University, scholarship, 1991

Referee names

1). Vladimir V. Strelko, Academician Ukrainian Academy of Science, Professor, D.Sc., Ph.D., Director of Institute of Sorption and Endoecology Problems Ukrainian Academy of Science, 13 Generala Naumova Str., Kyiv 252680 Ukraine Tel (Fax): 380(044) 4529327, E-mail: ispe@ispe.kiev.ua

2). Mykola S. Slobodyanik, Correspond member of Ukrainian Academy of Science, Professor, D.Sc., Ph.D., Dean of Chemistry Department Kiev State University, 60 Vladimirskaya Str., Kyiv 252033 Ukraine, Tel. 380(044) 221-32-88

3). Joel R.Coats, Ph.D. Professor of Entomology and Toxicology, Department of Entomology and Environmental Toxicology, 116 Insectary Building, Ames, Iowa 50011-3140 Tel. 515294-4776, E-mail: jcoats@iastate.edu, Fax 515-294-47-57.

last updated 19.11.2014

60 Vladimirskaya Str., Kiev Ukraine 01033


tel: +380 44 239 33 45
fax: +380 44 239 33 45


last updated 18.10.2013