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Наукові статті співробітників кафедри
1. Bogolubsky, A.V., Moroz, Y.S., Mykhailiuk, P.K. (молодий вчений), (...),
Zaporozhets, O.A., Tolmachev, A.
2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl Chlorooxoacetate-Universal Reagent for One-Pot Parallel
Synthesis of N1-Aryl-N2-alkyl-Substituted Oxamides
ACS Combinatorial Science 2015 17(10), 615-622
2. Yarmolchuk, V.S., Mykhalchuk, V.L., Mykhailiuk, P.K.
Erratum: Convenient synthesis of enantiopure (R-) and
Tetrahedron 2015-11-13 71(38), 7083-7084
3. Kubyshkin, V., Kheylik, Y., Mykhailiuk, P.K.
Synthesis and studies on gem-fluorinated 2-azabicyclo[n.1.0]alkanes
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 2015 175, 73-83
4. Bogolubsky, A.V., Moroz, Y.S., Mykhailiuk, P.K., (...), Konovets, A.I.,
Tolmachev, A.
One-pot parallel synthesis of alkyl sulfides, sulfoxides, and sulfones
ACS Combinatorial Science 2015 17(6), 348-354
5. Mykhailiuk, P.K.
In situ generation of difluoromethyl diazomethane for [3+2] cycloadditions with
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2015, 54(22), 6558-6561
6. Druzhenko, T., Denisenko, O., Kheylik, Y., (...), Tolmachev, A., Mykhailiuk,
Design, synthesis, and characterization of SO2-containing azabicyclo[3.
N.1]alkanes: Promising building blocks for drug discovery
Organic Letters, 2015, 17(2), 226-229
7. Mykhailiuk, P.K
Three-component synthesis of fluorinated pyrazoles from fluoroalkylamines, NaNO2
and electron-deficient alkynes
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015, 13(11), 3438-3445
8. Bandak, D., Babii, O., Vasiuta, R., Komarov, I.V., Mykhailiuk, P.K.
Design and synthesis of novel 19F-amino acid: A promising 19F NMR label for
peptide studies
Organic Letters 2015, 17(8), 1922-1925
9. Mykhailiuk, P.K.
Three-component synthesis of C2F5-substituted pyrazoles from C2F5CH2NH2•HCl,
NaNO2and electron-deficient alkynes
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 11, 16-24
10. Trofymchuk, S., Bezdudny, A., Pustovit, Y., Mykhailiuk, P.K.
Synthesis of isomeric (3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)anilines
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2015, 171, 174-176
11. Kubyshkin, V., Afonin, S., Kara, S., (...), Mykhailiuk, P.K., Ulrich, A.S.
γ-(S)-Trifluoromethyl proline: Evaluation as a structural substitute of proline
for solid state 19F-NMR peptide studies
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015, 13(11), 3171-3181
12. Mykhailiuk, P.K.
In Situ Generation of Difluoromethyl Diazomethane for [3+2] Cycloadditions with
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2015, в друці
13. Iminov, R.T., Mashkov, A.V., Vyzir, I.I., (...), Shishkin, O.V., Shishkina,
Multigram synthesis of fluoroalkyl-substituted pyrazole-4-carboxylic acids
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 4, 886-891
14. Bogolubsky, A.V., Moroz, Y.S., Mykhailiuk, P.K., (...), Konovets, A.I.,
Tolmachev, A.
Facile one-pot synthesis of 4-substituted semicarbazides
RSC Advances, 2015, 5(2), 1063-1069
15. Sholokh, M., Zamotaiev, O.M., Das, R., (...), Klymchenko, A.S., Mély, Y.
Fluorescent amino acid undergoing excited state intramolecular proton transfer
for site-specific probing and imaging of peptide interactions
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2015 119(6), р.р. 2585-2595
16. Zaporozhets, O.A., Paustovska, A.S., Zinko, L.S., Davydov, V.I.
Formation of the intensively fluorescent mixed-ligand complex of Zr(OH)3 + with
3,5,7,2′,4′-pentahydroxyflavone in the presence of fluoride
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 2015, 52-56
17. Sholokh, M., Sharma, R., Shin, D., (...), Tor, Y., Mély, Y.
Conquering 2-aminopurines deficiencies: Highly emissive isomorphic guanosine
surrogate faithfully monitors guanosine conformation and dynamics in DNA
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137(9), 3185-3188
18. Diyuk, V.E., Zaderko, A.N., Veselovska, K.I., Lisnyak, V.V.
Functionalization of surface of carbon materials with bromine vapors at mediate
high temperature: A thermogravimetric study
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, 120(3), 4495, 1665-1678
19. Mazurenko, I., Tananaiko, O., Biloivan, O., (...), Etienne, M., Walcarius,
Amperometric Biosensor for Choline Based on Gold Screen-Printed Electrode
Modified with Electrochemically-Deposited Silica Biocomposite
Electroanalysis 2015, 27(7), 1685-1692
20. Darabdhara, G., Das, M.R., Turcheniuk, V., (...), Boukherroub, R.,
Szunerits, S.
Reduced graphene oxide nanosheets decorated with AuPd bimetallic nanoparticles:
a multifunctional material for photothermal therapy of cancer cells
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3(42), 8366-8374
21. Turcheniuk, V., Raks, V., Issa, R., (...), Boukherroub, R., Szunerits, S.
Antimicrobial activity of menthol modified nanodiamond particles
Diamond and Related Materials, 2015, 57, 6348, 2-8
22. Khanal, M., Turcheniuk, V., Barras, A., (...), Boukherroub, R., Szunerits,
Toward multifunctional "clickable" diamond nanoparticles
Langmuir, 2015, 31(13), 3926-3933
23. Zakharkiv, I.B., Zui, M.F., Zaitsev, V.N.
Dispersive liquid-phase microextraction for determination of phthalates in water
Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology, 2015, 37(2), 78-84
24. Khanal, M., Raks, V., Issa, R., (...), Cragg, P.J., Szunerits, S.
Selective Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Disrupting Properties of Functionalized
Diamond Nanoparticles Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 2015, 32(8), 822-830
25. Khanal, M., Larsonneur, F., Raks, V., (...), Siriwardena, A., Szunerits, S.
Inhibition of type 1 fimbriae-mediated Escherichia coli adhesion and biofilm
formation by trimeric cluster thiomannosides conjugated to diamond nanoparticles
Nanoscale, 2015, 7(6), 2325-2335
26. Alves, I., Kurylo, I., Coffinier, Y., (...), Boukherroub, R., Szunerits, S.
Plasmon waveguide resonance for sensing glycan-lectin interactions
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 873, 71-79
27. Greiner, V.J.a, Kovalenko, L.ab, Humbert, N.a, Richert, L.a, Birck, C.c,
Ruff, M.c, Zaporozhets, O.A.b, Dhe-Paganon, S.d, Bronner, C.ac, Mély, Y.a
Site-Selective Monitoring of the Interaction of the SRA Domain of UHRF1 with
Target DNA Sequences Labeled with 2-Aminopurine
Biochemistry Volume 54, Issue 39, 6 October 2015, Pages 6012-6020
28. Hosu, I.S., Wang, Q., Vasilescu, A., (...), Boukherroub, R., Szunerits, S.
Cobalt phthalocyanine tetracarboxylic acid modified reduced graphene oxide: A
sensitive matrix for the electrocatalytic detection of peroxynitrite and
hydrogen peroxide
RSC Advances, 2015, 5(2), 1474-1484
29. Tutashkonko, S., Alekseev, S., Nychyporuk, T.
Nanoscale morphology tuning of mesoporous Ge: Electrochemical mechanisms
Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 180, 545-554
30. Alekseev, S., Korytko, D., Iazykov, M., Khainakov, S., Lysenko, V.
Electrochemical Synthesis of Carbon Fluorooxide Nanoparticles from 3C-SiC
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119(35), 20503-20514
31. Kharin, A., Syshchyk, O., Geloen, A., (...), Lysenko, V., Timoshenko, V.
Carbon fluoroxide nanoparticles as fluorescent labels and sonosensitizers for
theranostic applications
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2015, 16(4), 044601
32. Hajjaji, H., Zakharko, Y., Alekseev, S., (...), Vergne, P., Bluet, J.-M.
Formation and properties of SiC and C particle nano-colloids in non-polar
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 2015, 12(1-2),
33. Serdiuk, T., Bakanovich, I., Lysenko, V., (...), Géloën, A., Komarov, I.V.
Delivery of SiC-based nanoparticles into live cells driven by cell-penetrating
peptides SAP and SAP-E
RSC Advances, 2015, 5(26), 20498-20502
34. Mandzyuk, M.G., Kulichenko, S.A.
Micellar-extraction preconcentration of aluminum(III) by phenol-induced phases
of cetylpyridinium chloride
Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 70(2), 113-118
35. Turcheniuk, V., Raks, V., Issa, R., (...), Boukherroub, R., Szunerits, S.
Antimicrobial activity of menthol modified nanodiamond particles
Diamond and Related Materials, 2015, 57, 6348, 2-8
36. Khanal, M., Raks, V., Issa, R., (...), Cragg, P.J., Szunerits, S.
Selective Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Disrupting Properties of Functionalized
Diamond Nanoparticles Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 2015, 32(8), 822-830
37. Buvaylo, E.A., Kokozay, V.N., Linnik, R.P., Vassilyeva, O.Yu., Skelton, B.W.
Hybrid organic-inorganic chlorozincate and a molecular zinc complex involving
the in situ formed imidazo[1,5-a]pyridinium cation: Serendipitous oxidative
cyclization, structures and photophysical properties
Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44(30), 13735-13744
38. Doroshchuk, V.A., Levchik, V.M., Mandzyuk, E.S.
Cloud-point extraction preconcentration of sym-triazine herbicides to
determination by gas chromatography
Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 70(2), 119-124
39. Линник Р.
Гумінові кислоти, адсорбовані на поверхні силікагеля, модифікованого
четвертинною амонійною сіллю, для вилучення цинку з природних вод
Вісник КНУ, серія Хімія, 2015, 1(51), с. 23-28
40. Стретович В., Смик Н., Линник Р., Запорожець О.
1-(2-тіазолілазо)-2-нафтол як люмінесцентний реагент для визначення іонів важких
Вісник КНУ, серія Хімія, 2015, 1(51), с. 28-31
41. Паустовська А., Запорожець О., Поліщук К., Коноваленко А.
Адсорбційно закріплена на аеросилі індикаторна система "Zr(IV)-арсеназо I" для
визначення флуориду у воді, засобах догляду за ротовою порожниною та біоактивних
Вісник КНУ, серія Хімія, 2015, 1(51), с. 42-48
42. Трохименко А.Ю., Запорожець О.А.
Твердофазно-спектрофотометричне визначення тіоціанату з використанням
перманганату, як окисника, і пінополіуретану, як сорбенту
Вісник КНУ, серія Хімія, 2015, 1(51), с. 34-36
43. Трохименко О.М., Сухан В.В.
Оптимізація каталітичної ферум(ІІІ)-нітрито-тіоціанатної методики визначення
загального йоду в зразках з органічною матрице
Вісник КНУ, серія Хімія, 2015, 1(51), с. 31-34
44. Никифорова А.В., Левчик В.М., Зуй М.Ф.
Сочетание жидкостного микроэкстракционного концентрирования и
газохроматографического определения парабенов в форме цетилпроизводных
Украинский химический журнал – 2015. – №. 5-6. – Т.81. ¬– Р. 89 – 94
45. Трохименко О.М., Трохименко А.Ю., Запорожець О.А.
Иодометрическое определение пероксида водорода комбинированным
спектроскопическим методом
Украинский химический журнал – 2015. – №. 5-6. – Т.81. ¬– С. 89 – 94
46. O.A. Zaporozhets, O.B. Volovenko, I.M. Kovtunyk, R.P. Linnik, T.Ie. Keda,
O.V. Tkachuk, D.S. Milokhov, O.V. Khilya
New Reagents 2,6-Diaminopyrimidines and Benzimidazoles – Perspective Luminescent
Reagents for Determination of Pt and Pd
МОХА, Volume 10, No.1 2015, 23-28
47. L.S. Kostenko, S. А. Alekseev, V. N. Zaitsev
Thermochemical Methods for the Characterization of the Organosilicas with
Immobilized Aminophosphonic Acid
МОХА, Volume 10, No 2, 2015, 45-52
48. A. S. Paustovska, L.S. Zinko, O.А. Zaporozhets, V.V. Nakonechna, O.S.
Silica Adsorbed Indicator System «La(III)-Alizarincomplexone» for Fluoride
Determination in Saliva
МОХА, Volume 10, No 2, 2015, 45-52
49. Akbar Afsharas, Iuna Tsyrulneva, Olga Zaporozhets
Spectroscopic, Visual Test Techniques and Optical Sensors for Determination of
Hydrazine and Its Derivatives
МОХА, Volume 10, No 3, 2015,97-107
50. M.V Rohoza, S.A. Kulichenko
Colorimetric Determination of Albumin in Micellar Extraction System Mо(VI) –
Bromopyrogallol Red – Triton X-100
МОХА, Volume 10, No 2, 2015, 67-72 5.
51. I.B. Zakharkiv, M.F. Zui, V.N. Zaitsev
Preconcentration of Aliphatic Aldehydes C1-C5 as o-(2,3,4,5,6-
pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxylamine Derivatives by Dispersive Liquid–Phase
МОХА, 10, No 3, 2015, 113-118
52. O.A. Zaporozhets
Anatoly Babko - he was and he remains analytical chemist No. 1
МОХА, 10, No 3, 2015, 150-154
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