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 Київський національний університет
імені Тараса Шевченка

Кафедра аналітичної хімії



1) Alekseev A. N., Genina M.A., Zaitsev V.N., Parkhomovsky M.V., Pecheny A.B., Alekseev S.A. "Study of dielectric relaxation in composites of dispersed chemically modified silicas and polymers" // Physics of condensed high-molecular systems (Bulletin of Rovno pedagogical institute) №3, 1997, Rovno.

2) A.N. Alekseev, Zaitsev V.N., Alekseev S.A., Pecheny A.B. “Study of cooperative effects of silanols on modified silica by dielectric method” // Macromolecular Symposia, V.136 1998, p. 9-12 (2nd International Conference on Chemistry of Highly-Organized Substances and Scientific Principles of Nanotechnology, 1998),

3) Alekseev A. N., Genina M.A., Pecheny A.B., Alekseev S.A., Zaitsev V.N., “The application of dielectric relaxation method for study of cooperative effects on modified silica surface” Bulletin of Kiev University, Ser.: Chemical sciences, p. 5-8, v. 36, 1999.

4) Alekseev, S. A.; Genina, M. A.; Zaitsev, V. N. // Thermal decomposition of aminosilicas and their salts with HCl and HNO3. Ukr. Khim. Zh. (Russ. Ed.) (2000), 66(9-10), 61-64.

5) A.S. Kovalenko, Zh.V. Chernenko, Yu.N. Kochkin, S.A. Alekseev, N.V. Vlasenko, V.G. Il’in // Features of functionalisation of MCM-41 silica mesoporous molecular sieves during their template synthesis, Theoretical and experimental chemistry, Vol. 38., N5., PP. 317-323, 2002

6) S.A. Alekseev, V.N. Zaitsev, J. Fraissard, Synthesis and structure of grafted layer of silicas, chemically modified with alkanesulfonic acid., Russian Chemical Bull, Vol. 52., N 2, PP. 364-369, 2003.

7) V.V. Lisniak, N.V. Stus, R.M. Barabash, S.A. Alekseev, M.S. Slobodyanik, Synthetic approach for preparation of nanometer-sized non-linear optic advanced materials, F. Arnaud d’Avitaya (ed.), Physics, Chemistry and Application of nanostructures, PP. 103-107, 2003 World Scientific Publishers, Printed in Singapore


In press:

1) S.A. Alekseev, V.N. Zaitsev, J. Fraissard, C. W. Schlaepfer “Thermal decomposition of silicas with covalently bonded aminopropyl, chloropropyl, sulphoethyl, vinyl and trimethylsilyl groups”, Journal of materials chemistry, 2004.

2) Sergei A. Alekseev, V. N. Zaitsev, A.N. Alekseev, Yu. N. Kochkin and J. Evans, Effect of silanoles on the acidic and catalytic properties of alkylsulfoacidic silicas and SiO2/Nafion nanocomposites, Adsorption Science and Technology, 2004



1) S.A. Alekseev, V.N. Zaitsev, Method of the preparation of silica, modified by sulphoacidic groups, Ukrainian patent application 2002032508 submitted 29.03.2002.



1) V. Zaitsev, M. Lehaitre, S. Alekseev

"Chemical opto-sensors based on silicas with covalently bonded ligands" // Workshop in Brest, January 1998.

2) A.N. Alekseev, V.N. Zaitsev, S.A. Alekseev, A.B. Pecheny

"Stydy of cooperative effects of silanols on modified silica by dielectric relaxation method" // Chemistry of nanostructures and scientific principles of nanotechnology, S Petersburg, 22-26 June 1998.

3) Alekseev A.N., Zaitsev V.N., Alekseev S.A., Pecheny A.B. “Study of cooperative effects of silanols on modified silica by dielectric relaxation method” // Abstracts of the First International Symposium “Amphiphiles at Interfaces” (AI-SCP’99), 1999, Beijing, China, p.D48 A.N.

4) V.N. Zaitsev, S.A. Alekseev, “Some aspects of thermal decomposition of aminosilicas and their salts with HCl and HNO3”// 28th international vacuum microbalance techniques conference, p.49, Kiev, 1999

5) Alekseev S.A., “Synthesis and study of sulfo-cationites covalently bound on silica surface” // 1st All-ukrainian conference of students and post-graduates “Modern problems of chemistry”, Kiev, 18 – 19 May 2000, p. 52.

6) Alekseev S.A., “Thermal decomposition of modified silicas”, Annual RSC Conference 2001, Birmingham, UK, P70, Y.R.S.

7) Alekseev S.A., Zaitsev V.N., “Synthesis of silicas covalently modified by ethyl-sulphoacidic groups” // International conference “Functionalized materials: synthesis, properties and application”, Kiev, Ukraine, 24-29 September 2002, p. 104

8) Alekseev S.A., Zaitsev V.N., Pokrovsky V.A., “Mechanismes of thermal decomposition of modified silicas” // International conference “Functionalized materials: synthesis, properties and application”, Kiev, Ukraine, 24-29 September 2002, p. 184.

9) Alekseev A.N., Zaitsev V.N., Demyanchuk I.M., Alekseev S.A. “Dielectric relaxation study of modified silicas surface layer”// International conference “Functionalized materials: synthesis, properties and application”, Kiev, Ukraine, 24-29 September 2002, p. 200.

10) Kochkin Yu. N., Evans J., Alekseev S.A., Zaitsev V.N., “Silicas modified by ethyl-sulphoacidic groups and SiO2/Nafion nanocomposites as catalysts of ethyl-tert-butyl ether synthesis” // International conference “Functionalized materials: synthesis, properties and application”, Kiev, Ukraine, 24-29 September 2002, p. 216.

11) S. A. Alekseev, V. N. Zaitsev, A. N. Alekseev, Yu. N. Kochkin and J. Evans. - Effect of trimethylsilylation on the acidic and catalytic properties of alkylsulfoacidic silicas and SiO2/Nafion nanocomposites. - Abstracts of “VII Polish-Ukrainian Symposium on Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Interfacial Phenomena and their Technological Application”, - Lublin. – Poland. – 15-18th September 2003. p. 15-19

12) Alekseev A.N., Lazarenko M.M., Severilov S.V., Alekseev S.A. – Thermophysical and dielectric properties of polymer composites with chemically-modified silicas. – Abstracts of international conference "Structure relaxation in solids" ICSRS 2003, - Vinnitsa. – 2003. – P. 208-210.

last updated 10.05.2018

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Taras Shevchenko National University Analytical chemistry department Analytical chemistry scientific council

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