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Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка Кафедра аналітичної хімії |
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professor (docent)
Department of Analytical
Chemistry, Phone: 380 44 239 34 44 Fax: 380 44 239 33 45
e-mail: nadzhafova@univ.kiev.ua or onadzh@iatp.kiev.ua
Research interests
Determination of trace amounts of
inorganic and organic pollutants in the environmental objects (water, soil)
using chromatographic, spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques.
Synthesis of modified with
organic reagents and biomolecules porous
sorbents, silica gel in particular using adsorption and sol-
gel technique. Development on the base of obtained
sorbents active elements of optical and
electrochemical sensors for the express determination of heavy
metal labile species and organic compounds in natural and tap waters,
and pharmaceutical objects.
Bioanalytical chemistry Education ·
Analytical Chemistry, ·
M.Sc., Analytical
Chemistry, ·
Analytical Chemistry,
Professional Appointments: · Associate Professor,
Department of Analytical Chemistry, ·
Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, ·
Department of Analytical Chemistry,
Previous Research and study abroad
· Visiting Professor, Department of
Visiting Scientist, Department of
Chemistry, · Visiting Fellow,
Honors and Awards
Fellowship for research work,
Department of Chemistry University of
Scholarship of the Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP),
American Councils for International
Education ACTR/ ACCELS (1999 -
2000) ·
scientist’s stipend in the field of natural sciences, National Committee of
the Scientific and Technical Development of Ukraine (1997)
Lecture Activity · Lecture courses: Analytical Chemistry (Geography
Department); Environmental Chemistry, Basics of the Modern Analytical Chemistry Bioanalytical
Chemistry (Chemistry Department) ·
Spectrophotometric Methods of Analysis; Water Quality
Control; Methods of Investigation of Complexes in Solution; Analytical
Other Activity
Ukrainian Chemical Society (1992- present time), American Chemical Society
Nadzhafova O.Yu.,
Zaporozhets O. A.,
Nadzhafova O. Yu., Gordienko V.
V. Chemical - Analytical Characteristics
of thin films based on silica and poly(vinylsulfonic) acid UKR. KHIM. ZHURN. (70) P.
70, С.113-119, 2004.(Rus)
Nadzhafova O. Yu., Zaitsev
V.N., Drozdova M. V., Vaze
A., Rusling J. F.,
Heme proteins sequestered in silica sol- gels
using surfactants feature direct electron transfer and peroxides activity,
ELECTROCHEM COMM., (6) P. 205- 209, 2004
Kounaves S., Nadzhafova
O., Tarasov V., Tan S. Ultramicroelectrode Arrays Modified with
Ionomer Entrapped Silica Film as Perspective
Voltammetric Sensors for Copper, Lead and Selenium,
Analytical Sciences,
№ 17, P. i1031- i1034.
Nadzhafova O.Yu., Lagodzinskaya S.V. and
Sukhan V.V.Indicator paper
for test determination of aluminum (III) in
solutions ZHURN. ANALYT. KHIMII, 55: (12), P. 1298
–1302, 2000
Zaporozhets O.A,
Shulga O.V, Nadzhafova O.Y,
Turov V.V. and Sukhan
V.V.The nature of the binding of high-molecular weight
aminoammonium and quaternary ammonium salts with the
amorphous silica surface COLLOID SURFACE A 168: (2) 103-108 AUG 10, 2000
Zaporozhets O.A,
Nadzhafova O.Y, Verba V.V,
Zinchenko N. M and V.V. Sukhan
Silica gel and cellulose loaded with bis-quaternary
ammonium salts as sensitive reagents for iron, bismuth and anionic surfactants
determination in water INT J ENVIRON AN CH 74: (1-4) 243-254 1999
Belikov K.N, Blank A.B,
Shevtsov N.I, Nadzhafova
O.Yu. and Tananaiko M.M.X-ray
fluorescence determination of mobile forms of Cu, Zn and Co in soils with
preconcentration on silica gel modified by
didecylaminoethyl-beta-tridecylammonium iodide ANAL CHIM
ACTA 383: (3) 277-281 MAR 15 1999
Zaporozhets O.A,
Nadzhafova O.Y, Verba V.V,
Dolenko S.A., Keda
T.Ye. and Sukhan V.V. Solid-phase
reagents for the determination of anionic surfactants in water ANALYST 123: (7)
1583-1586 JUL 1998
Turov V.V,
Zaporozhets O.A, Nadzhafova O.Y
and Sukhan V.V. Interaction of water-insoluble
quaternary ammonium salts with the hydrated silica surface TEOR EKSP KHIM 32:
(6) 376-379 1996
Zaporozhets O.A.,
Nadzhafova O.Yu.,
Zubenko A.I., Ishchenko V.B.,
Trachevskiy V.V. and Sukhan
V.V. Application of high molecular weight
quaternary ammonium salt for pre concentration of heavy metal ions as
acido complexes UKR. KHIM ZURN., 14 (9) 64-69, 1995
Zaporozhets O.A.,
Nadzhafova O.Yu.,
Zaporozhets O.A,
Nadzhafova O.Y, Zubenko A.I, and
Sukhan V.V. Analytical application of
silica-gel modified with didecylaminoethyl-beta-
tridecylammonium iodide TALANTA 41: (12) 2067-2071 DEC 1994
Savransky L.I.,
Rodionova T.V. and Nadzhafova
O.Yu.Determination of aluminum in water using
Chromazurol S and mixture of surfactants in flow
system KHIM I TECHNOL VODY, 15 (11-12) 740 – 745, 1993
Savransky L.I and
Nadzhafova O.Y. Spectrophotometric investigation of
complexation of Cu, Fe and Al with
chromazurol S in the presence of a mixture of cationic
and nonionicv surface-active agents J ANAL CHEM+ 47:
(9) 1179-1183 Part 1 SEP 1992
Sukhan V.V.,
Savransky L.I, Zaporozhets O.A,
and Nadzhafova O.Y. Sorption-photometrical
determinatiom of cobalt using modified
silica-gel UKR KHIM ZH+ 58: (11) 990-994 1992
Nadzhafova Environmental Analytical chemistry.
Part 1. Chemistry of Environmental
Pollutants. Supplementary Material for the Fourth Year
Students, Specialization environmental analytical chemistry, Chemical Dept,
Patents 1.
V. Sukhan, O. Nadzhafova, O. Zaporozhets, A. Bugrim. Method of Cobalt Determination in
Water. Ukrainian Patent N 5274. 2.
O. Zaporozhets, V. Verba, O. Nadzhafova and V. Sukhan Method of
Sodium Dodecylsulfate etermination.Patent of Ukraine
N 22886A. 3.
O. Zaporozhets, V. Verba, O. Nadzhafova and V. Sukhan Methods
of determination of alkylsulfates and alkylsulfonates Patent of
Sukhan O.A. Zaporozhets, O.Yu. Nadzhafova Method
of cobalt determination in water. Patent of
O. Zaporozhets, O. Nadzhafova and V.
Sukhan. Method of test determination of iron (III) in water. Patent of
O. Zaporozhets, O. Nadzhafova, A.
Velichko and V. Sukhan. Method of
sorption- spectroscopic determination of iron (III) in water. Patent of
last updated 10.05.2018
64 Vladimirskaya Str.,
Kiev 01601 Ukraine |
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