(1540-1720) |
September 2005 |
14_04 |
V.A. Trunova, N.V. Brenner, V.V. Zvereva
Examination of the chemical elements ratios in human
nails (SRXRF) |
14_05 |
Zacharia A.N., Chebotaryov A.N.
Direct atomic absorption analysis of silica based
materials and some of its peculiarities |
14_06 |
S.K. Savelyev
Simulation of XRF methods and processes by means of
X-Energo tool-kit |
14_07 |
A. Tsyganenko
Variable temperature FTIR spectroscopy in the studies of
surface phenomena |
14_08 |
V.V. Levenets
About combined use several methods of the analysis on
ion of beam |
September 2005 |
15_04 |
N.P. Dikiy, A.N. Dedik, A.N. Dovbnya, V.L. Uvarov
Estimation of some characteristics of the chernobyl’s
incident on element distributions in samples taken from
reactor concrete casing |
15_05 |
A.V. Drozd
Selection and use of intensive parameters of analytical
signal on multicomponent analysis by non-selective
methods |
15_06 |
I.B. Shcherbakov, L.P. Eksperiandova
Influence of salt composition on the concentrating
impurities by means of low temperature directed
cryslallization |
15_07 |
P.O. Verkhovodov
VERBA-XRF as a novel conception of X-ray fluorescence
analysis |
15_08 |
Jan van der Vlies, M.M. Livitsky
SPECTRO CIROS VISION: A new approach to ICP-OES using
ccd detection |
September 2005 |
16_04 |
O. Shuvaeva, E. Vasilenko, A. Ivanina, A. Bochkaryov
The use of biosensors on the base of E.coli for arsenic
detection in environment |
16_05 |
Krylov V.A., Chernova O.J., Pylova E.V., Sozin A.J.,
Ganina A.V., Krylov A.V., Mosjagin P.V.
High effective method îf impurity preconcentration by
microdrop extraction |
16_06 |
D. Shvets
Paramagnetic centres of disperse sorbents in analytical
determination of ecotoxicants |
16_07 |
A.I. Saprykin, D.Yu. Troitskiy, S.V. Palessky
Application of laser based mass-spectrometric methods
for trace analysis of synthetic and natural crystals |
16_08 |
Goryacheva I., Loginov A.
Acid-based surfactant cloud point extraction and
preconcentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
prior to fluorescence determination |