Separation and pre-concentration |
September 2005 |
Lectures (1400-1530) |
16_04 |
Chmilenko F.A.
The combined chemical and physical influences in sample
preparation |
16_05 |
M. Sager
About extraction and stability of hexavalent chromium
in soils and fertilizers |
16_06 |
V.A. Khalaf, V.N. Zaitsev
Analytical application of silicas with covalent and
ion-exchange bonding of immobilized organic compounds
for selective pre-concentration and determination of
phenolic pollutants |
16_07 |
Bessonova E.A.,
Kartsova L.A.
On-line concentration techniques in micelleelctrokinetic
chromatography (MEKC) in determination of the trace
quantity of neutral bio-acnive substances |
16_08 |
I.A. Shevchuk, T.N. Simonova, E.S. Gontar
Extractation and concentration of different-charged
complexes of some platinum metals with organic bases and
water soluble extractants |
16_09 |
Kabulov B.D.,
Akhundjanov K.A., Ruzimuradov O.N., Shakarova D.Sh.,
Yunusov F., Negmatov S.S.
Application of nanotechnology for preparation of
stationary phase for chromatography |
(1540-1720) |
16_13 |
S.J. Tavener
Measuring Surface Parameters via 19F NMR of Adsorbed
Organofluorine Probe Molecules |
16_14 |
A.K. Trofimchuk, V.N. Losev
The concentration and analysis of traces of noble metals
using silica gels with grafted sulfur-contaning
compounds |
16_15 |
L.P. Eksperiandova
Sample preparation for X-ray analysis of liquid media |
16_16 |
O. Korkuna, T. Vrublevs’ka
Sorbents for concentration of Pd (II): natural and
acidic modified transcarpathian clinoptilolite |
16_17 |
O.Ì. Trohimenko
Polyurethane foam modified with heteropolyacids are the
new sorbents for onecharged cations of heavy metals |